
FL Digi is a digital communications method that uses the personal computer (pc) connected to the radio in a plethora of modes and bands.  There are weekly nets in FLDigi, and it can also handle forms like Winlink.

Link to Download FLDigi

FLDigi is a free program, but gladly accepts donations.


FLDigi and similarities to Winlink

FLDigi is similar to Winlink in that it handles forms, but the similarities end there.  Winlink stores messages, and makes use of the internet.  FLDigi allows operators to talk in real time, which is something that Winlink does not do.

Modes that FLDigi can work in

  1. Morse Code
  2. PSK
  3. FSQ
  4. Contestia
  5. MFSK
  6. Olivia
  7. THOR

And more.  Each of these modes can work at a variety of speeds, with their trade offs, of course.

Mailing Address

#1148 1100 Jefferson Road, Suite 12, Rochester, NY 14623